Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Who needs excercise when you have Photoshop?

I would have to agree that these Photo Editors have taken it a little too far. These images are much more powerful than they realize. People who read these magazines will probably have their esteem lowered. People need to realize that the photos on those ads and magazines have been edited to the point where those people aren't even recognizable. Once again, the media is sending the wrong message to people, especially young girls. Girls will see the thin models in ads and magazines, and they will feel bad about their own body.

The picture above is an extreme example of what photo shop could do. Photo editors cut off at least 100 pounds on this model.

I guess we have to give some credit to the photo editors though. They are capable of creating just about anything. This may not necessarily be a good thing, but without them, everyone would look the same. These photoshopped images can set goals for people to achieve, or they could simply be ignored. Either of those works fine. I don’t think this whole Photoshop issue is as big as people are making it. But I do understand why people are concerned. They may not want to expose their young ones to unrealistic plastic looking people.

Photo shop isn’t always sending bad messages, it could be used for our amusement.

I don’t really stand on a side on this issue. I’m not one of those people who think photoshop is evil and is messing up everyone’s mind, but I’m not one of those people who think it’s great and support it. Instead of complaining, I think people should just focus on the pros rather than the cons. Photoshop can be used for fun, or for educational purposes. I think photoshop shouldn’t be used as much for changing the way people look as much as it should be used for humorous images.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

But it's so Good...

I'm one of those crazy pop lovers that won't give it up for anything. For some reason, the video of the guy drinking fat doesn't scare me. I absolutely LOVE pop. I have been drinking it everyday for years and I haven't experienced any health issues. I guess it doesn't scare me because I know first-hand that it isn't true, so far anyway. I think people are just looking for an excuse to why our obesity rate is so high. Sure pop may play a small role, but there are many other factors that can make a person obese. Now taxing pop? That may be the worst idea I have ever heard. I highly doubt putting a tax on pop will stop people from buying it. All it will do is empty our wallets and make people mad.

Although this campaign wasn’t effective for me, I think it may be for others. People who don’t drink pop may be intimidated by the negative effects. Some people may not realize that the commercial was a mass over exaggeration, and they may not want to drink pop ever again. I'm not saying pop isn't bad for you, because I know it is. But I think that the consumer of pop has the choice to drink it or not. If they are aware of the downsides but still want to drink it, then that's their loss. I don't think the government should be trying to decrease the sales of pop. What about those who work for soda companies? Some of them may get laid off or there wages will be decreased.

This video doesn't make me want to become a healthier person. I think they exaggerated how bad pop is for you, and because of that I simply don't believe it's true. I will still drink pop as frequently as I do. If the tax on pop passes through to Canada, I will probably continue to buy it. I am aware of the health issues, but I don't think they are as severe as people think. I understand why they are concerned about our obesity rate, and those who are unhealthy, but I think they're approaching the issue the wrong way. Taxing pop won't change anything; it would just make frequent pop consumers mad.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Am I Beautiful?

I think Dove's Real Beauty campaign is a wonderful idea. With all the media telling girls how they should look, it's nice to have something show them what true beauty is. It's about time someone took the time to try and change the minds of young girls and how they feel about their body. The media has such a strong impact on people, and especially young girls. Dove tried to use the powerful media to their advantage. They created a few videos trying to send the message that true beauty is however you are, and you should be happy with yourself.

The Axe Campaign on the other hand isn't trying to send the same message. I didn't find this ad offensive and I don't think many girls would. Axe is just exaggerating about how nice their product is. I didn't find it disrespectful nor did I think it was sending a bad message. I thought it was just a simple commercial that tried to tie promoting their product, and making the commercial humorous. I thought this commercial was quite funny, and I don't think they were being offensive or crossing boundaries.

I don't think the "Parent" company is responsible has for making all of their sectors have the same values or beliefs. Although they are the same company, Dove and Axe are two different brands. Their job is to promote their products as best as they can. This may include having extreme humorous commercials or True Beauty campaigns. They just want to sell their product. I don't think Axe is sending a bad message when it comes to the way girls should look. They just wanted to have a commercial appealing to most viewers. So in this way, Axe and Dove aren't really on opposite ends for values and beliefs. I think that both brads are just doing their jobs, and the Parent company isn't responsible for changing them.

Disgusting, Disrespectful, Disagree, Dislike

Advertisements are everywhere. Some promote good things, others not so much. I think those selected ads are a bit inappropriate. I also think they're ineffective. The people are trying to promote there products in different creative ways.

The first one is an ad trying to promote ingestion of tapeworms. I find that really disgusting. The ad is saying is that if you consume "Sanitized Tapeworms" they will eat all the fat in your body and you will stay thin forever, no matter how much you eat. This ad is probably a health risk, as well as it sends a bad message. It’s telling younger viewers that eating worms is better than being overweight. They're sending the wrong message to young children that may be concerned and self conscience about their weight. You probably wouldn't find an advertisement like this one around in modern days as it wouldn't be passed by Canadian Television.

The second ad is a picture of a man blowing smoke from a cigarette into a woman’s face. The Caption reads "Blow in her face and she'll follow you anywhere." I find this advertisement sexist and degrading to women. This Ad promotes the cigarette brand Tipalet. I find this ad disrespectful to women. It promotes disrespectful behaviour towards women. I also disagree with this ad. Blowing smoke in a woman's face will not make her want to follow you. In many different ways, this ad is inappropriate.

The third ad is a picture of a doctor smoking a cigarette with the caption: "More doctors smoke camels than any other cigarette." The people promoting Camel cigarettes tried to interpret doctors into the ad to prove that the cigarettes aren't as harmful, because even doctors approve of them. I am surprised that this ad was published because I strongly disagree with the statement. I don't think they have enough statistics and proof to say that doctors smoke Camel’s more than other cigarettes. I think this fact is neither reliable nor true. I am also surprised they went through such desperate measure just to try to promote their product.

The last ad promotes the consumption of lard. The ad says that eating lard will make a family happy. It also shows a picture of a family including a child. I think this ad can be a health issue. I don't think it is exactly safe for a young child to be ingesting lard. The ad promotes very unhealthy products and claims you will have a healthy lifestyle by eating it. I think this ad may have been effective because many people would have been able to relate to it. Whether they had a family, or they wanted to be happy.

These ads are very different than modern ads. I have not seen ads as disturbing as some of the ones above. However I think that some of the messages are similar. Many ads I see nowadays are referring to weight loss, or attracting women. They present the same message in a different, more appropriate way.

Change For The Better.

Who doesn't appreciate change when it comes to video games? The evolution of video games is truly amazing! I think it's great how our technology has grown so much in so little time. From 2d pixelized games with beeping sounds, to 3-d high definition games that look more realistic than real life. If you haven't played games in a while, you'd probably be surprised with some of the new games with amazing graphics. Modern Warfare 2, Need for Speed Shift, and NHL '10 just to name a few. The evolution of games is clearly beneficial to everyone. The detail in the games just make your game-play so much more enjoyable. The question is are they too enjoyable to the point where teens are addicted?. A lot of parents would probably say there child isn't doing enough homework, or helping out around the house enough because of their video games. But we as teens are just trying to enjoy ourselves. If not playing video games, than probably something else (not homework). For many of us, video games have become a daily part of our lives. If all this new technology is now available to kids and teens, why not take advantage of it. There have been some arguments saying that video games are over rated, but the proof is right in front of them. I think these new games just amazing! With HD and Blu-ray graphics and high frame rates which create a smooth game-play, gaming can be enjoyable for everyone. Wii has tried to change video games from sitting and starring into a screen, to running, jumping, and being physically active. Wii fit is a good example. Being an owner of Wii Fit, I personally know that video games aren't just sitting and pressing buttons. Video games can be good for you. Most people don't get enough exercise, and games like Wii fit are there to help them. So if you look beyond teens getting addicted, you'll see that video games are simply fun, and can even be beneficial.

Not For Stalkers.

I don't understand why there's a whole controversy about google street view. I think it's awesome! It shows smaller details in a 3-d layout that helps people find and recognize places more easily. I am a frequent user of google street view and i think it's great. They are not violating any privacy laws because they blur faces and license plates. I think it's a privilege to be able to use google street view. Google took the time and money to drive through every street in Toronto so we can use it to our advantage, and they don't even charge us a single penny! Speaking of saving money, you may not have to buy a GPS, or waste gas looking for places when you have Google Street View. it is an amazing invention that is much more beneficial to people than a risk of privacy. it's also pretty fun to play with when you're bored. I took a nice drive by my neighbourhood yesterday on Google Street view, and I couldn't make out any faces, meaning it isn't really a security risk. Google doesn't need permission from everyone in Canada just to drive down a street and take pictures of houses. I think people are making way to big of a deal about their privacy. The pros of street view clearly weigh out the cons. Thank You Google!