Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Who needs excercise when you have Photoshop?

I would have to agree that these Photo Editors have taken it a little too far. These images are much more powerful than they realize. People who read these magazines will probably have their esteem lowered. People need to realize that the photos on those ads and magazines have been edited to the point where those people aren't even recognizable. Once again, the media is sending the wrong message to people, especially young girls. Girls will see the thin models in ads and magazines, and they will feel bad about their own body.

The picture above is an extreme example of what photo shop could do. Photo editors cut off at least 100 pounds on this model.

I guess we have to give some credit to the photo editors though. They are capable of creating just about anything. This may not necessarily be a good thing, but without them, everyone would look the same. These photoshopped images can set goals for people to achieve, or they could simply be ignored. Either of those works fine. I don’t think this whole Photoshop issue is as big as people are making it. But I do understand why people are concerned. They may not want to expose their young ones to unrealistic plastic looking people.

Photo shop isn’t always sending bad messages, it could be used for our amusement.

I don’t really stand on a side on this issue. I’m not one of those people who think photoshop is evil and is messing up everyone’s mind, but I’m not one of those people who think it’s great and support it. Instead of complaining, I think people should just focus on the pros rather than the cons. Photoshop can be used for fun, or for educational purposes. I think photoshop shouldn’t be used as much for changing the way people look as much as it should be used for humorous images.

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